The ANMF have been bargaining for a replacement enterprise agreement for nurses at Huon Regional Care since January 2016

Update: Huon Regional Care

The ANMF have been bargaining for a replacement enterprise agreement for nurses at Huon Regional Care since January 2016.  Members are understandably frustrated that the bargaining process continues to drag on, especially when they have not received a wage increase since January 2017 (for those on the current Huon Eldercare Agreement) or August 2016 (for those on the HDNS Agreement).

The ANMF met with the employer on 15 October 2019, in an attempt to break the deadlock in bargaining. Unfortunately, the employer did not come to this meeting with a revised offer, and instead continued to argue that its last offer (which included backpay for 6 months but not 12 months as requested by members) was the best possible offer in the circumstances.  The employer now says it will prepare an offer for members which includes the full 12 months of backpay, though such an offer is likely to include cuts to conditions, or the withdrawal of improvements to conditions promised during bargaining. We will meet with members as soon as possible after receiving a revised offer. We encourage all members working at Huon Regional Care to keep an eye out on their email for updates from the ANMF relating to this.

At the ANMF’s request, the Fair Work Commission has ordered that a protected action ballot is held for ANMF nursing members who are employed at Huon Regional Care.  The ballot will be a postal ballot conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).  It will open on 18 October 2019 and close at 10 am on 8 November 2019.  If returned ballot papers are not received by the AEC by the closing date, they will not be counted. The ANMF advises members to return completed ballot papers as soon as possible to ensure that every vote counts.

Update correct as at 16 October 2019
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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