  • Public sector nurses and midwives EA update

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch, yesterday submitted a counter proposal to the Tasmanian Government regarding the current public sector nurses and midwives EA offer. This counter proposal seeks to improve the current offer for public sector nurses and midwives and was endorsed by members at the mass member meetings at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, Mersey Community Hospital and the North West Regional Hospital.

The counter proposal seeks the following:

A 4-year agreement provided;

1) An improvement in salaries is made

2) An improvement in the professional development allowance is made

3) Double time payment for all overtime undertaken by day workers in all areas who are required to provide clinical care

4) Associate Nurse Unit Manager implemented without a patient load

Once a response is received ANMF will communicate this to members and urge all members to check their contact details are current with ANMF to ensure that you are receiving all communications. As endorsed if an improved offer is received from the Tasmanian Government it will immediately be put to ballot to allow members to vote on the offer.

More details to follow in newsflash, Friday 13th December 2019

Read the full offer, along with ANMF SUmmary here

Updates correct as at 12 December 2019
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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