
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in southern Tasmania.

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Updates

Repatriation Centre
The ANMF have written a second response to Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management with regards to the change proposal governing car parking. This was done subsequent to THS management’s response to feedback 26 November 2019. As part of the ANMF letter, we have requested THS to allay any action on the proposed change until all major concerns raised as part of the original ANMF feedback letter has been adequately addressed.

Whittle Ward
The ANMF conducted a member meeting at the Whittle Ward on Friday 6 December to discuss car parking, workloads and staffing. This meeting was well attended and generated vigorous discussion. The ANMF will seek to meet with THS management on all concerns raised and will relay feedback to members on outcomes.

Midwifery Group Practice
The ANMF have written to senior THS management requesting a status update of the Midwifery Group Practice submission for car parking along with an enquiry as to why this process has been delayed. The ANMF will communicate the response to members once received.

Mental Health Hospital in the Home

Last week on Thursday 5 December, the ANMF attending a meeting with the Mental Health Hospital in the Home. Minutes from this meeting are currently being collated before being distributed to members. The ANMF have scheduled a meeting with the Nurse Unit Manager on for today 12 December 2019. Following this, arrangements will be made to consult with members.

Department of Psychiatry (DoP)

The ANMF attended a Step 2 Grievance meeting with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on 5 December 2019. This meeting was to discuss safe staffing strategies to support the nursing staff whilst the model of care discussions continues. You can read the latest news from DoP via a newsflash sent to members, read it here. 

Updates correct as at 12 December 2019
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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