
The start of a new year is a great time to make healthier changes, and to support Tasmanian Health Service staff, Cancer Council Tasmania will provide staff with free, practical help to quit smoking.

Tasmanian public hospitals and health services are smoke-free areas because this helps protect staff, patients and visitors from second-hand smoke and supports those who’ve quit or are trying to quit.

Tasmanian Health Service staff can already access cost-price nicotine replacement therapy at work but now Cancer Council Tasmania will provide staff with free, practical help to quit smoking.

This can include free nicotine replacement therapy for staff who sign-up between February and April 2020.

The staff employee assistance program provides free, confidential, phone counselling to help staff manage addictive behaviours, including smoking (see the staff intranet for more information).

Are you nicotine dependent?

Most smokers become dependent on nicotine.

Smoking within 30 minutes of waking and smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day are indicators of nicotine dependence.

Interested in quitting?

  • Call Cancer Council Tasmania on 13 QUIT (13 7848)
  • Download the free ‘My QuitBuddy’ app from iTunes or Google Play
  • Get your free QUIT pack – SMS your name and address to 0447 987 230
  • Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse
  • Visit

Updates correct as at 9 January 2020
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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