Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
On 24 December 2019 ANMF received email correspondence from Respect management formalising their wage offer to go with their proposal for a new 3-year Respect Enterprise Agreement 2019. Respect are proposed a 3-year term for the agreement with no changes to conditions within the current Respect 2017 Agreement. Their offer is as follows; 2.75% each year for the next three years (i.e. July 2020, 2021 and 2022); the agreement will be updated only to reflect the proposed wage increase and matters contained in the undertaking from the 2017 Agreement, which will be required for the new agreement to be approved by the Fair Work Commission. ANMF organisers just have finalised a round of consultation with members on this offer. ANMF is now in the process of drafting a response back to Respect management based on the member feedback received. A further update will be provided shortly. Further discussions are to be had with Respect about the impact this decision will have on employees at Mt St Vincent Nursing Home.
Masonic Care Tasmania
ANMF provided further communication to MCT regarding the lack of a response to the agreed position between MCT and ANMF that came out of the 15 October bargaining meeting. ANMF requested that MCT provide the draft agreements (as agreed), north and south for nurses and general staff that included terms that the MCT board agreed to; Parental leave of 14 weeks and partner leave of 1 week will extend to all staff, bringing general staff in line with the same entitlement extended to nurses; Redundancy entitlements will be harmonised across the state. This will ensure that all staff receive the higher benefit if the circumstance of redundancies arise. The Agreements are still being drafted. ANMF further requestedthe MCT wage offer which was to be presented following the November 2019 Board meeting. ANMF is now in receipt of a response from MCT management. Disappointingly MCT advise that they are still reviewing their budget position and a wage offer is not forth coming despite an expectation this would be received by the end of November 2019. ANMF is in the process of writing back to MCT and will be considering elevating this matter by wat of a bargaining order application to the FWC. Further details to follow.
It is anticipated that the first bargaining meeting for a new Agreement at Calvary Health Care Tasmania, will be held in early February in Hobart. Further details will be circulated when available.
Southern Cross Care
Negotiations for a new agreement will commence in February. The log of claims has been endorsed by members. The ANMF are writing to the employer to determine if workplace representatives will be paid to attend the negotiations.
South East Community Care
Members were disappointed with the revised wage offer from the employer and ANMF have written seeking a 3% wage increase moving forward.
ANMF met with Eskleigh members on 9 January 2020 to discuss the un-negotiated changes included in the draft agreement presented to ANMF from Eskleigh management. Members have not agreed with the proposed changes. ANMF has written to Eskleigh management requesting a meeting to discuss the un-negotiated changes and return the draft agreement to the terms negotiated back in April 2019. An update will be provided following this meeting.
Medea Park Nurses
ANMF is now in receipt of a response from Medea park management to the ANMF counter offer put back on 21 November 2019. Please click link below for an update on the current Medea Park offer as it stands. ANMF has now written to Medea Park management requesting a draft agreement for review and dates for a ballot. Further details to be provided once ballot dates and the access period have been confirmed.
Eye Hospital
ANMF members have voted to accept an offer by the employer for a replacement Eye Hospital Nurse Agreement. ANMF has now written to CURA’s bargaining representative requesting the agreed terms be placed into a draft agreement for ANMF to review prior to a ballot commencing. ANMF will provide an update to members once the draft agreement is received.
The Toosey re-ballot process is likely to commence on Tuesday 21 January 2020. ANMF is working with Toosey management to set down the correct dates for a ballot in line with the Fair Work Act 2009 requirements. This should see an access period commence on 21 January with a vote to occur on 29 January 2020. ANMF will advise Toosey members by Newsflash once further information comes to hand.
May Shaw
The ANMF is awaiting the provision of corrected documents (wage table and corrected allowances) and there is still no response as to when both agreements will be balloted.
Aged Care Deloraine
The Aged Care Deloraine Inc. Enterprise Agreement 2019 was made on 15 January 2020 when a majority of the employees who cast a valid vote approved the agreement. Read more in the EA update here: https://anmftas.org.au/pdf/20191212ACD.pdf
Updates correct as at 22 January 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary