• Northern Updates

    From the public sector

Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in northern Tasmania.

Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Updates

Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department

The ANMF have been advised that a conference at the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) is scheduled for 21 January 2020. This conference will be to discuss the persistent workload pressure of our members working at the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department. The ANMF on behalf of members have requested a number of outcomes as a resolution to the workload pressure. Click here to read the Newsflash for further details.

Launceston General Hospital (LGH) 4K

On the 12 December 2019, the ANMF met with members working in the LGH Ward 4K. At this meeting, members raised concerns regarding redeployment. The ANMF have written a letter to the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) on behalf of members requesting a response by the 13 January 2020. In communication from the THS, the ANMF were informed a response would be received the week beginning the 20 January 2020. Once a response has been received, the ANMF will schedule a member meeting to provide a report back to members.

Launceston Reception Prison (LRP)

On the 18 November 2019, the ANMF met with members working at the Launceston Reception Prison (LRP). At this meeting, members raised workload and work health and safety concerns and endorsed raising a workload grievance. The ANMF are currently in the process of writing a letter to management and will provide a report back to members once a response has been received.

Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Angiography Suite

On the 19 December 2019, the ANMF met with members working in the LGH Angiography Suite. At this meeting, members were given good news that an outcome of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission Conference was the business case for an additional 4.17 FTE being approved by the Tasmanian Health Service (THS). Members continued to raise concerns regarding environmental work health and safety issues within the Angiography Suite. The ANMF intend to write a letter to the THS on behalf of members to raise their concerns. Once a response has been received the ANMF will provide a report back to members.

Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Northside

The ANMF are engaging in ongoing communication with Mental Health Services regarding the Nursing Hours Per Patient Day Model for State-wide Mental Health Services. To date, the ANMF have not been satisfied with the data presented and used to inform the model. Once the ANMF have further information we will schedule a members meeting to provide a report back to members.

Updates correct as at 9 January 2020
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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