
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the aged care sector from across the state.


The ANMF has started with EA negotiations for Corumbene’s new EA on 13 Feb 2020. The main claims put forward by ANMF on behalf of the members’ endorsed log included:

  • Wage increase of 5% per year of the agreement
  • Allowances increased by 5% per year of the agreement
  • Paid meal breaks for all staff
  • 4 days paid union training leave in line with the non-nursing agreement
  • 20 days paid family violence leave

The next meeting is scheduled for March 5 2020, where the ANMF will more information about Corumbene’s reply to your Log of Claims. It was fantastic to have the support of the ANMFs WREPs at the last meeting.


Negotiations have recommenced at Glenview. The CEO Lucy O’Flaherty spoke at the beginning of the meeting to inform the bargaining teams that nurses had conversations with her about their concerns about their pay and conditions. In response, your employer has verbally agreed to a pay increase for nurses and carers, among other considerations. Your endorsed Log of Claims include:

  • Afternoon shift allowance 15% (ANMF claimed 17.5%)
  • Night shift 20%
  • Sunday shift 100%
  • The option of the additional 2% superannuation contribution or members can elect to take this 2% as a wage increase for existing staff.
  • All staff to receive a 2.5% wage increase in December 2020.

Your employer has proposed an 18 month agreement going through until June 2021. The negotiations for a replacement 2021 enterprise agreement can address the findings of the Royal Commission. EA flyers and member meetings will continue to inform ANMF members of updates.

Southern Cross Care Tasmania Inc. (SCCT)

EA negotiations are in progress, with the first meeting held 6 Feb 2020. At the preliminary meeting an indicative timeframe was discussed. SCCTas are hoping that negotiations will be completed by early April 2020. Your endorsed ANMF Log of Claims was presented to SCCTas for consideration. The ANMF is expecting that they will receive a reply to the Log of Claims at the upcoming meeting 20 Feb 2020. Many thanks to the WREPs who are willing to give their time to attend meetings to deliver information back to members.

Your Log of Claims include:

  • Wage increase of 4% for each year of the agreement
  • Allowances to increase by 4% per annum
  • Higher duties – an employee engaged in any duties carrying a higher wage rate than the classification in which they are ordinarily employed in any one day or shift will be paid at the higher wage rate.
  • Increase night shift penalty to 20%
  • Weekend and shift penalty rates for casual employees will be calculated on the loaded rate of pay
  • The overtime penalty for a casual employee will be calculated on the loaded rate of pay
  • Paid 30 minute meal breaks, if break interrupted, the worker will be paid at overtime rates until such time as the balance of the break can be taken
  • A handover time of maximum 30 minutes
  • Increase to compassionate leave on the death of a parent, partner or child to 10 days paid leave
  • 5 days paid study leave per year
  • Increase to family violence leave to 20 days paid leave per year
  • 5 days paid leave for union delegates or elected workplace representatives
  • Ratios of 1:6 for mornings 1:7 for afternoons and 1:8 for night shifts

The ANMF will be continuing with member meetings and EA updates throughout the progression of negotiations.


The ANMF have visited with members regarding the Menarock’s response to your endorsed Log of Claims. A members meeting was attended 17 February 2020, where members were provided with information about what was being offered. The ANMF is happy that Menarock has decided to continue negotiations with the ANMF. Currently, Menarock employees are very poorly paid, and the ANMF would deeply appreciate a wage increase for our members that will be in keeping with the increased cost of living.

Medea Park Nurses

ANMF are in receipt of a response from Medea Park management to the ANMF counter offer put back on 21 November 2019. Please click here for an update on the current Medea Park offer as it stands.

The ANMF have written to Medea Park management requesting a draft agreement for review and dates for a ballot. Medea Park’s bargaining representative has advised that draft agreement will be supplied to the ANMF as soon as possible. The ANMF will provided further advice on potential ballot date for the agreement as soon as they come to hand.


The ANMF has a meeting schedule with Eskleigh’s bargaining representative for the week commencing Monday 17 March. The ANMF understand that Eskleigh is now considering a way forward on the matter of returning the draft agreement to the original terms negotiated back in April 2019. An update will be provided to members working at the site following this meeting.

Updates correct as at 19 February 2020
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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