
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in southern Tasmania.

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Updates

Operating Theatres

The ANMF have submitted a formal response to the current Change Proposal regarding Rostered On-Call work. ANMF will endeavour to hold a Member Meeting in Theatres once a response to feedback has been received from management.

Cardiac Cath Lab

The ANMF conducted a Member Meeting in Cardiac Cath Lab on Tuesday 11 February to obtain feedback on the Current Change Proposal concerning K-Block moving procedures. This meeting was well attended and generated some great discussion – ANMF will provide a formal response to the employer within the next few days.

Surgical and Perioperative Services – Recovery Nurses

The ANMF have submitted a formal response to the current Change Proposal regarding Rostered Night Shift work. ANMF will endeavour to hold a member meeting once a response has been received from Management.

Mental Health South (Department Emergency Medicine)

The ANMF have received a Change Proposal for Mental Health South Services concerning the instigation of a 6-bed Mental Health Short Stay Unit.  The deadline for feedback to this Change Proposal has now been extended to 13 March. ANMF will await delivery of the Model of Care from SMHS before conducting separate Member Meetings in both the Department of Emergency Medicine and Department and Inpatient Mental Health Services.

Whittle Ward

On February 21 the ANMF will conduct a Member Meeting to discuss ongoing workload and staffing concerns. All current, new and prospective members are encouraged to attend.

Updates correct as at 19 February 2020
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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