
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in southern Tasmania.

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Updates

Operating Theatres Suite

The ANMF will conduct a member meeting in the Main Theatres Tea/Staff Room at 0730 hrs, Thursday 4 March to relay and discuss Management’s Response to Feedback document (dated 27 February, 2020). For reference, this Response was transmitted via Email by ANMF Tuesday 3 March. All new and prospective members are welcome.

Cardiac Cath Lab

The ANMF have submitted a formal response to the current Change Proposal regarding the impending move to K-Block. ANMF will endeavour to hold a Member Meeting in Cardiac Cath Lab once a Response to Feedback has been received from Management. The deadline for this response has been extended to Monday 9 March as per Management’s request.

Surgical and Perioperative Services: Recovery Nurses

The ANMF have received a Response to Feedback from Management, dated 27 February 2020. ANMF have transmitted key aspects of this response via Email on Tuesday 3 March. If members wish to discuss this matter further please contact ANMF via (03) 6223 6777 or Email

Assessment and Planning Unit

The ANMF have submitted a formal response to the current Change Proposal regarding the impending move to K-Block. ANMF will endeavour to hold a Member Meeting in Assessment and Planning Unit once a Response to Feedback has been received from Management.

General Medicine – 2J

The ANMF have submitted a formal response to the current Change Proposal regarding the impending move to K-Block. ANMF will endeavour to hold a Member Meeting in General Medicine once a Response to Feedback has been received from Management.

Acute Pain Service

The ANMF have met with members regarding to current Change Proposal concerning re-alignment of governance to the Department of Anaesthetics. ANMF have been granted an extension for feedback to COB Tuesday 10 March and will submit a response on behalf of members by this time. ANMF will endeavour to hold a Member Meeting in APS once a Response to Feedback has been received from Management.

Department of Psychiatry (DoP)

The ANMF conducted a member meeting on 12 February 2020 at DoP. Matters discussed were in regard to the commitment Mental Health Services management made to engaging agency nurses to fill vacancies. At the time of the meeting, no agency nurses had commenced but the ANMF have been advised that since the meeting, three agency nurses have started. This will hopefully provide some relief for nursing staff on the unit who have spent many months working overtime and additional shifts.

The ANMF are regularly seeking feedback from management around recruitment and will continue to meet with members to provide updates and raise issues as required. In particular the ANMF continue to request evidence from members around their concerns regarding seven hour shifts.

Please contact our Member Support Team (hyperlink to webpage) if you would like to discuss this, or any other issues further. Alternativey, you can submit a copy of your incident report to your Workplace Representative or via email to the ANMF Member Support Team (

Psychiatric Emergency Nurse’s (PEN’s)

The ANMF met with members of the PEN team on Monday 24 February 2020. This was a follow up to a Change Proposal meeting held on 5 February 2020, which was also attended by Mental Health Service management, PEN’s and Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) staff. The Change Proposal is in relation to major changes to the PEN’s role. The proposal involved removing the PEN’s from DEM for the purposes of staffing the new Mental Health Short Stay Unit.

A letter was sent to management on Thursday 27 February and a response is due Friday 6 March 2020. ANMF have also been in contact with the new Nurse Unit Manager Nicole and will have an opportunity to meet with her soon. Nicole has agreed, as requested by members, to spend some time orientating with PENs on the floor in DEM.  A follow up meeting will be scheduled with members of the PEN team once a response is received from management.

In the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact your ANMF Workplace Representative or ANMF Member Support Team if you have any queries.

Mental Health Hospital in The Home (MH HiTH)

The ANMF held a member meeting at  Mental Health Hospital in The Home (MH HiTH) on 30 January 2020. Members raised a number of concerns including; employment contracts, overseas recruitment, casual staff availability, leave cover, employment training, employment classification, single home visits, and overtime. Following this meeting a formal letter was sent to Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) Louise Megson. The ANMF have met with Louise in person and a meeting will be scheduled with members on 19 March 2020, at 1430 hrs to discuss her response.

Members will be notified of this meeting again closer to the date. In the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact your ANMF Workplace Representative or ANMF Member Support Team if you have any queries.

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)

The ANMF met with members of Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) on 24 Monday February 2020. This meeting was requested on the belief that 12 hour shifts were in question. Having been assured, by Coral Paton herself, the ANMF are certain that the assertion that she is running a project to remove 12 hour shifts from the service is incorrect.

ANMF will notify members if any formal documents are presented around this concept but for the time being consider the matter closed. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact your ANMF Workplace Representative or the ANMF Member Support Team.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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