
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in north western Tasmania.

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH)

Medical Ward Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF attended a specialist panel meeting on 6 January 2020 to explore solutions to resolve the Step 2 grievance. Following the meeting, the ANMF provided some clarification to the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) and held a member meeting to explore a trial of Assistants in Nursing (AINs). A further member meeting will be convened as soon as all information is received.

Medical Oncology Unit Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF have formally raised a Step 2 grievance on behalf of members we have received a response to the Step 2 grievance and will schedule a member meeting to seek further direction from members.

Mersey Community Hospital (MCH)

Medical Day Procedure – Oncology Unit Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on 28 February 2020 to explore options for resolving the step 2 Workload Grievance.  The ANMF will schedule a member meeting to discuss the information received and seek further direction from members.

Medical Ward

The ANMF have lodged an application with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission to address the workloads of members working at the Mersey Community Hospital Medical Ward. A conference was listed for Tuesday 17 March 2020, however due to availability of the THS this conference will be rescheduled. The ANMF will advise members once a further conference date has been advised.

Smithton District Hospital Nursing Workload Grievance Step 1

The ANMF met with the Director of Nursing at Smithton District Hospital on 10 March 2020 to clarify the response to the Step 1 Grievance. The ANMF will schedule a member meeting shortly to review the grievance response & seek further direction from members.

King Island District Hospital

The ANMF have been contacted by members working at King Island District Hospital. Arrangements have been finalised for a member meeting to be held on the island on 24 March 2020.  Annette Beechey (ANMF Tasmania Organiser) looks forward to meeting with ANMF members.

North West Maternity Services

The ANMF met with members on 26 February 2020 to review the Model of Care & the Step 2 Grievance. Formal notification has been made to the Joint Consultative Committee of the member & ANMF position.

AIN Working Party

The ANMF met with members on NWRH Medical Ward & MCH Medical Ward to receive member feedback regarding the proposed trial of AIN’s. Formal notification to the working party of member and ANMF position is in process.

Updates correct as at 18 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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