
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in northern Tasmania.

Launceston General Hospital (LGH) updates

Ward 5A

On 26 February 2020, the ANMF wrote to the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) regarding the Ward 5A Step 2 Workload Grievance. The THS have apologised for the delay in providing a response which they say is due to the COVID-19 crisis. Once a response has been received, the ANMF will provide a report back to members via a scheduled teleconference meeting and email communication.

LGH Operating Room Suite (ORS)

The ANMF have written to LGH management following meeting with members on 12 March 2020 regarding the THS proposed benchmark for the ORS. Members have requested the ANMF attend a meeting on 21 April 2020 to discuss concerns raised in this correspondence. Further details will be provided to members following this meeting.

Kings Meadows (Renal Unit)

On 31 March 2020, the ANMF met with members who raised workload and several work health and safety concerns. Following the Easter period, the ANMF on behalf of members will write to the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) to raise these concerns. Once a response has been received the ANMF will provide a report back to members.

Launceston Community Nursing Service (LCNS)

Following a member meeting on 3 March 2020, the ANMF met with LCNS management to discuss member concerns regarding the proposed changes identified from the working group process. The ANMF has requested the LCNS provide a project plan that would enable us to consult with members. Once the project plan has been provided to the ANMF, we will send a survey out to all members outlining the key changes of the project plan and seek member feedback.

Updates correct as at 16 April 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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