
Support: South Australian Nurses and Midwives offer their support

Dear Emily,

After many months of watching the impact of Covid-19 globally, we have been increasingly concerned by its impact on Tasmanians and ANMF Tasmanian Branch members.

On behalf of members of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation in South Australia, we thank the members of the ANMF Tasmanian Branch, for their tireless work for the community in the fight against Covid-19.

We acknowledge not only their skills and expertise, but also for their bravery in the face of this insidious disease.

Please share with your members the solidarity of nurses, midwives and personal care workers in SA who only today learnt that the first nurse in our state has become infected by the virus in the course of her work.

We are with you all the way.

In solidarity

Adj Assoc Professor Elizabeth Dabars AM
CEO / Secretary ANMF (SA Branch)

View the formal letter from Elizabeth Dabars here. 



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