
Royal Hobart Hospital

Main Theatres
The ANMF has written to Tasmanian Health Service Management on behalf of members working in the Royal Hobart Hospital Main Theatres regarding the reported heights of new standing-benches in the 4K Theatres. A response to this letter is anticipated by close of business Friday 12 June 2020. Once this has been received, we will relay the response and more information via email.

Ward K9W – General Surgical Unit
The ANMF has received a response from Tasmanian Health Service Management regarding identified workload/staffing concerns in the new K9W Surgical Unit. We are working on an email to be sent to members with more information ASAP. The ANMF will contact the K9W Nurse Unit Manager to arrange a member meeting and gather feedback from those affected.

Bicycle Access
The ANMF has received a response to correspondence regarding the lack of available/suitable bike parking facilities at the main body of the Royal Hobart Hospital. A summary of the response can be read here. The ANMF is developing a survey for members and will advise when this is available. We appreciate the importance of giving a voice to those wanting to undertake more active forms of transport to/from work.

Whittle Ward
On 4 June 2020, the ANMF attended a Step 2 Grievance Meeting with Tasmanian Health Service Management. This meeting was to further member claims regarding workload and staffing concerns. As a result, the Tasmanian Health Service will endeavor to collate all data relevant to the main points of concern before re-convening in approximately one week. The outcome of this subsequent meeting will be relayed to members via email. At this point, we will also work with members on a plan for proceeding forward with your concern if necessary.

Repatriation Centre
On Monday 1 June 202, the ANMF emailed members working at the Repatriation Centre detailing staff entitlements to taxi-vouchers and how best to access them. You can read the full email with the latest updates here. For additional information members are encouraged to contact the ANMF Member Support Team. 

Updates correct as of 10 June 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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