
BUPA South Hobart

The ANMF have received a commitment from the employer to the consultation process regarding proposed roster changes. This is as a result of correspondence sent from the ANMF to BUPA management on behalf of members.

Bishop Davies Court

The ANMF have written to management about a number of matters including workloads and the impact of staffing changes from January 2020. The ANMF will be in touch with members follow the receipt of a response from the employer.

Freemasons Home

The ANMF have written to management of Freemasons Home on behalf of members regarding a number of matters, including issues regarding rosters. We are expecting a response to this letter by 24 July 2020. Once this has been received, the ANMF will report back to members to seek comments and further direction.

Message to members

ANMF Communications and Member Engagement Officer Mandy Clark, has been enjoying recommencing visits to facilities in southern Tasmania to hold member meetings, morning and afternoon teas, and discuss Enterprise Agreements.

“It is wonderful to be back out meeting with members face to face to discuss and address their workplace concerns. We have achieved some great outcomes for members during this time including resolution of issues that were put on hold due to COVID-19 and lockdown protocols. We are getting some positive outcomes and being able to work on outstanding issues to get good results for members,” said Mandy. “I am looking forward to catching up with even more members over the coming weeks and months. Once again, I would like to extend my thanks on behalf of the ANMF to all of our members and their incredible work over this difficult period. Well done!”

Updates correct as at 23 July 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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