Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
The ANMF are still awaiting a response from the employer regarding the resumption of bargaining.
The ANMF is still awaiting a response from the employer in relation to the Log of Claims.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF are awaiting a draft Agreement for final review. We will be in contact with members once we have received this document.
Hobart District Nursing Service
A meeting was held by the ANMF on Monday 29 June 2020, to enable members to formulate a Log of Claims. The meeting was very well attended, with members and Workplace Representatives having a lot to contribute. Information from the meeting has been sent to our Industrial Team to draft a finalised Log of Claims.
Lifeblood (ARBCS)
The Lifeblood ballot was finalised on Tuesday June 30 2020. The ANMF will update members of a result when we are notified.
One Care
Following consultation with members, a Log of Claims has been created. The ANMF will visit members shortly to present the document for consideration and endorsement.
BUPA South Hobart
ANMF met with members on Friday 26 June 2020 regarding proposed reductions to care hours scheduled to start from Monday June 29 2020. The ANMF sent a letter to senior management raising the concerns of members. BUPA phoned the ANMF to apologise and have stopped the change. BUPA have committed to using the consultation process in future. The ANMF will schedule a meeting with members soon to discuss the outcome and any future issues.
Eskleigh Nurses
The ANMF are still waiting to be advised of upcoming ballot dates.
Medea Park
The ANMF are working with the employer to finalise an Agreement with the view of it going to ballot shortly.
The ANMF have sent a bargaining meeting request to the employer. The member survey for inclusion in the Log of Claims has closed. Once the Log of Claims is drafted, a member meeting will be scheduled to endorse the document.
The next bargaining meeting is due to occur in late July.
The ANMF are waiting for response from employer in response to a request to put the agreement to ballot. The ANMF are also waiting on a response in relation to a bargaining order being sought.
Tandara Lodge
The revised agreement is being drafted.
Updates correct as at 9 July 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary