
North West Cancer Services

The ANMF are pleased to report positive outcomes from grievances raised at the North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) North West Cancer Centre (Oncology) and the Mersey Community Hospital (MCH) Medical Day Procedure Unit (Day Oncology Unit).

MCH Day Oncology Unit commmitment:

  • Dedicated Nurse Unit Manager position at 0.4 FTE for a 6-month period (position currently being progressed)
  • A minute to the Chief Executive to seek approval for a 1.0 FTE Associate Nurse Unit Manager
  • A minute to the Chief Executive to seek approval for a Clinical Nurse Educator at 0.3FTE

NWRH North West Cancer Centre (Oncology) commitment:

  • Dedicated Nurse Unit Manager position at 1.0 FTE for a 6-month period.

Read the full update from the ANMF to members here

Updates correct as at 9 July 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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