North Western Public Sector News

Mersey Community Hospital Medical Ward

ANMF officials alongside Workplace Representative from the Mersey Community Hospital Medical Ward attended the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on Friday 31 July 2020, to represent members and raise issues regarding workloads. The outcome of this can be read here.

Additionally, weekly meetings between the Tasmanian Health Service and the ANMF will continue moving forwards, in which discussions on weekly rostering and allocations and skill mix concerns will be addressed as they arise.

We would once again like to reiterate with members the importance of raising any workload concerns with Tasmanian Health Service management at the time of occurrence to ensure that they, as the employer, have the ability to resolve the concerns as they arise. Workload issues can be lodged via the Safety Learning Reporting Systems or directly to the In Charge or Afterhours manager. Further, the Tasmanian Health Service, have also confirmed that they will accept ANMF Workload forms as notification, these can be requested from the ANMF directly or via your ANMF Workplace Representative.

We wish to encourage all members at the Mersey Community Hospital to report their concerns via one of the above identified mechanisms, as these will underpin discussions at the weekly meeting, with any information shared from the ANMF Workload forms to be deidentified prior to this.

Lastly, the ANMF will be conducting a meeting with members in the coming weeks to discuss workload and any other workplace concerns prior to further action being taken. Please keep an eye out for more details regarding a time and place for this meeting, via email.

Updates correct as at 6 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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