Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Holman Clinic

ANMF members working in the Holman Clinic have advised ANMF, via the recent member survey, that if  the business case for permanent FTE, as identified by the August 2019 benchmarking is  not approved by 17 September 2020, that the matter will need to progress to a step 3 grievance.  This will result in the ANMF lodging a dispute with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. Further details to follow.

Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT)

On Monday 7 September 2020 ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management and Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT) members to discuss the THS response to the recent proposal by staff to have a 10-hour shift roster. At the meeting ANMF were advised that the proposal for 10 hours shifts was not supported by the THS. Further ANMF was advised at the meeting that a business case for a Psychiatric Emergency Nurse (PEN) position in the Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Emergency Department (ED) will not be progressed. The ANMF were surprised at this response given that there has been an increase of referrals to the CATT from the LGH ED where previously a PEN would have provide relief to the already high workloads of the CATT. ANMF is developing a survey which will be circulated to ANMF members in an attempt to better understand the current workload concerns. ANMF will also be scheduling a meeting to further details of workload management with the CATT members.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Benchmarking

On Wednesday 9 September 2020 ANMF Intensive Care Unit (ICU) members endorsed the proposed 2020 benchmarking for the ICU.  The new benchmarking will result in an increase of 4.90 fillable Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). This FTE will be rolled out in line with the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Standards that will see one access nurse per 4 patients in the ICU. ANMF will now the progress of the business case for the increased FTE to ensure that it is approved by THS executive in a timely manner. Further updates to follow.

Ward 4D

On Thursday 17 September 2020 ANMF will be appearing on behalf of 4D members at the Tasmanian Industrial Commission in relation to the THS failing to comply with the consultation requirements within the Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Award 2020. ANMF will provide a Newsflash update following the hearing.

Emergency Department

On Monday 7 September 2020 ANMF, on behalf of LGH ED members, raised a step 1 workload grievance with THS North. This is a direct result of the feedback received in the recent member survey. The ANMF has now received a response from THS and is in the process of arranging a meeting with management to discuss solutions required to fix current workloads. An update will follow after this meeting.

Ward 40/B

ANMF is developing a member survey for 4O/B members in relation to a long outstanding workload grievance that goes back to July 2019. Given the length of time and impacts of COVID-19 ANMF needs to understand members’ workload concerns, if any, in the current climate. On receipt of the survey results, ANMF will schedule a meeting with members to discuss the key themes and a plan to progress. The survey will be released shortly via email, could members please ensure that ANMF has your current email contact details. If you think you need to update your details please email let them know your name your membership is held under, your member number (if known), your current workplace, and email address.

Updates correct as at 17 September 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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