Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Emergency Department

On Friday 23 October, the ANMF received a response from Tasmanian Health Service management to the Step One Grievance letter lodged on 7 October. This response will be circulated to members via email soon and a follow-up meeting with members will be scheduled to take feedback and discuss potential further actions. The ANMF will advise members via email once a date and time for this meeting has been arranged.

Ward 2D – Cardiology Unit

We are in the process of finalising details with Tasmanian Health Service management to conduct a meeting with members to follow up on the response to the Step One Grievance letter received on 14 October. Members will be advised of the date and time for this meeting once it has been finalised.

Ward K9W – General Surgical Unit

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members on Monday 26 October, to discuss the process associated with the ongoing grievance regarding the addition of a sixth night shift nurse. This meeting was well attended and generated rigorous discussion. If any members wish to raise questions or provide additional feedback on this matter, they are encouraged to contact the ANMF Member Support Team.

Midlands Multi-Purpose Centre

The ANMF met with management and members on Thursday 15 October, to discuss the recent member survey and concerns about the roster. Management made assurances that the ongoing problems, including breaches of the Award regarding the roster, will be fixed. We have contacted Human Resources (HR) to monitor progress with this and to conduct a new nomination process for Work Health and Safety Representatives renewal. Keep an eye out for more information on another meeting to be held in mid-November.

Updates correct as at 29 October 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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