Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Huon Regional Care

The ANMF will attend a staff meeting on 12 November 2020 to work with members and the new acting Facility Manager toward clarifying a number of issues, including the Enrolled nursing role, recent management changes, the roster, checking of scheduled medications, and staffing structure. Following this meeting, the ANMF will meet with management in Franklin to discuss issues further.

Barrington Lodge

The ANMF visited Barrington Lodge on 3 November 2020, to meet with the new Workplace Representatives and discuss workplace matters with members. We were pleased to hear some very positive developments at Barrington Lodge around recruitment, workloads, and skill mix. We will return in the new year to work on putting together as Log of Claims for next year’s Enterprise Agreement negotiations and provide support for a non-nursing agreement at Barrington Lodge.

Masonic Care Tasmania – Fred French and Peace Haven

On 11 March 2020, the ANMF wrote to the management of Masonic Care Tasmania regarding member concerns that their 15-minute paid handover per shift was not being provided as required under the Nursing Enterprise Agreement. After initial consultation and negotiation, Masonic Care Tasmania has now made payments to nurses who contacted us prior to the 22 of September 2020. Members who have engaged with the ANMF after this date are currently having claims for payment processed. If you believe you may be entitled to this handover payment, please get in touch with our Member Support Team.

Updates correct as at 11 November 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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Aged Care Updates- Statewide

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