Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Change Proposal Rostering and Information, Payroll Talk

The ANMF has been provided with a Change Proposal that details the intention to progress to an electronic payroll system. There have been five areas identified as being the initial group to commence the interface process.

These areas are:
• Nursing Pool
• Acute Medical Unit
• Intensive Care Unit
• Emergency Department
• Rostering and Information Office

It is suggested that the move to an electronic system would see many potential efficiencies with the time taken to manually complete this process being reduced. The current process of NUMs checking and authorising timesheets due to data being entered on a day by day basis will be undertaken electronically through ProAct. Read the latest update sent to members here.

Holman Clinic

The ANMF attended the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on behalf of members working at the Holman Clinic on 9 November 2020. The ANMF have been involved in the Oncology Working Group that has consequently shown a requirement for an increase in nursing FTE for the unit. The Tasmanian Health Service have been staffing this FTE on a fixed term basis however, as it is a specialist area the need for this to be permeant to assist with skill mix is the most significant issue.

See below for the outcomes from the TIC:

  • Business case from benchmarking is being considered by the Budget and Finance Committee with the Department of Health.
  • Current recruitment for one permanent grade 3-4 Registered Nurse is being undertaken expeditiously and nurses on current fixed-term contracts are encouraged to apply.
  • Short term interim clinical support strategies to assist with skill mix will be considered while a broader review of clinical leadership is undertaken in consultation with the ANMF. This will be inclusive of strategies for all staff, including identified casuals, to develop the required specialty skills.
  • Commitment to backfill all positions while incumbents are on annual leave, long service leave, and unplanned leave. This is inclusive of the Clinical Nurse Educator position.
  • Data is to be provided to the ANMF to identify the use of pool and casual staff for unplanned leave, booked shifts to assist with procedures and shifts which were worked short. This will assist in identifying the actual cost and availability of relief staffing.

A report back conference has been scheduled for Monday 23 November 2020 at 1400hrs. The ANMF will consult with members once the information mentioned above has been provided.

Updates correct as at 11 November 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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