Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Ward 9A – Inpatient Oncology

The ANMF conducted a member meeting in Ward 9A, Inpatient Oncology on 5 November 2020, to review the Tasmanian Health Service response to the Step 1 Grievance. As the result of ensuing discussions, it was resolved amongst those present that this matter be escalated to a Step 2 Grievance. The ANMF will again write to advise the Tasmanian Health Service of this development. We will advise members via email once the first Specialist Panel meeting has been arranged.

Ward 2D – Cardiology

The ANMF conducted a member meeting on Ward 2D, Cardiology on 2 November 2020, to review the Tasmanian Health Service response to the Step 1 Grievance. Discussions during this meeting were robust and the ANMF has committed to following up this meeting by reaching out to several members who were unable to attend for additional feedback. The ANMF will relay outcomes from this via email.

Main Theatres

The ANMF lodged a Step 1 Grievance letter with Tasmanian Health Service management regarding ongoing concerns within Main Theatres on 2 November 2020. A response to this letter is expected by the close of business Wednesday 18 November. The ANMF will relay the outcome of this letter to members via email once received.

Diabetes Education Centre

The ANMF lodged a response to the Change Proposal on behalf of members within the Diabetes Education Centre at the Royal Hobart Hospital on 5 November 2020. We wish to thank all members for their engagement in the process and active contribution across multiple members meetings on this matter.

Ward K9W – General Surgical Unit

The ANMF attended the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on 11 November 2020 to represent members with regard to the ongoing unresolved Workload Grievance first raised on 17 June 2020. We will advise members of the outcomes of this proceeding via email and/or member meeting.

Updates correct as at 11 November 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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