Private Sector Updates – Statewide

HealtheCare North West Private Hospital

ANMF officials met with members working at the North West Private Hospital on 27 October to discuss workload concerns. Following this, the ANMF wrote formally to management seeking clarity regarding the application of the Hours per Patient Day workload tool. A response was expected by 8 December 2020. Following review of this response, the ANMF will schedule a meeting with members to seek further direction.

St Helens Hospital – Mother and Baby Unit

Members met with the Director of Nursing (DON), Sarah Llarena on 3 December in a meeting facilitated by ANMF. Members were able to ask Sarah questions about the future of the unit. In addition, members stated a very strong case for future development of the unit and staked a claim to be included in any talks about future planning and physical change of the unit. Further, members were able to ensure that management review current admission processes with a view toward greater input by Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) staff which should ensure increased admissions and more efficient use of the MBU overall.

Updates correct as at 10 December 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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