Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Inpatient Oncology Unit

The ANMF have received advice from the Director of Nursing for Cancer, Chronic and Sub-Acute Care that internal Tasmanian Health Service discussions regarding the Step 2 Grievance in the Royal Hobart Hospital Inpatient Oncology Unit are almost finalised with a response anticipated shortly. Members will be notified of the outcome from this as soon as practicable. A meeting with members will be scheduled to seek resolutions and outline further actions.

Main Theatres

The ANMF conducted a stop work meeting with members in the Royal Hobart Hospital Main Theatres on Tuesday 8 December. The focus of this meeting was to review the Tasmanian Health Services response to the Step 1 Grievance letter as well as draft a resolution for subsequent action. An email with more information regarding this matter will be sent to members.

Emergency Department – 12.5hr Shift Workers

The ANMF have received feedback from Tasmanian Health Service HR regarding the proposed solutions to fortnightly shift arrangements for Emergency Department 12.5hr shift workers. Preliminary assessments for this are looking positive. The ANMF anticipate such developments to be relayed internally for members consideration prior to implementation of any additional clauses to current arrangements.

Medical Specialties/Winter Ward

The ANMF held two meetings with members in the Royal Hobart Hospital Ward 7A – Medical Specialties Unit on 24 November and 26 November. These meetings provided a forum for feedback regarding the Winter Ward 2A which is presently being staffed from the 7A establishment and governed by the 7A Nurse Unit Manager. Feedback from these meetings was constructive, with a list of concerns compiled and preliminary discussions between the ANMF and management now underway. The ANMF will report back to members on the main points from this meeting and continue to provide briefings as subsequent plans of action develop.

General Surgical Unit

On 24 November, the ANMF sent an email to Tasmanian Health Service management requesting data regarding ongoing workloads and staffing in the General Surgical Unit at the Royal Hobart Hospital. The ANMF have requested the information by 9 December. The collation of this information is in anticipation of the 17 December Workload Monitoring Committee meeting. Following this meeting, the ANMF will present outcomes to members via email.

Updates correct as at 10 December 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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