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EA Updates

Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The ANMF are still awaiting a response to correspondence and a ballot date from Calvary. We have been saddened to hear that one of the key negotiators from Calvary Health Care has been unwell, we send our best wishes for their recovery. Meanwhile, we will notify members and schedule meetings as soon as we hear anything further from Calvary regarding the Enterprise Agreement negotiation process.

One Care
The ANMF met with One Care representatives for an Enterprise Agreement bargaining negotiation meeting in December 2020. The ANMF presented to members a counteroffer which included a request for 2.5% with back pay and 3% wage rises from 1 July 2020 and 2021 respectively, amongst other claims.

The Eskleigh Foundation Nursing Agreement 2019 was approved by the Fair Work Commission on 22 December 2020, after the HSU Tasmania (HACSU) withdrew their F18. Consequently, the HSU (HACSU) are no longer covered by the Agreement. The new Agreement commenced on 29 December 2020.

The Respect Group Enterprise Agreement 2020 was approved by the Fair Work Commission on 23 December 2020. All Mount St Vincent employees will be covered by this Agreement from 30 December 2020.

Southern Cross Care
At the second Enterprise Bargaining meeting in November, Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) declared their intention to create two separate Agreements, one for nurses and one for non-nurses. While this proposal was supported by the ANMF it has been vigorously opposed by HACSU and the employer is currently considering their position. The next negotiation meeting has been scheduled for February 2021.

The employer has presented an increased wage offer for members consideration. The ANMF are in the process of consulting with members on a response.

An application for a Ballot which would allow members to participate in Protected Industrial Action, has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission. Members will receive a notice of a Protected Action Ballot. The Australian Electoral Commission will circulate a postal vote to members from 12 January 2021.  It is important that you return the Ballot as soon as possible in order to ensure that the wishes of all members are heard.  Please make sure that you vote YES if you are willing to participate in action in an attempt to better the offer from your employer.

Hobart Day Surgery
The Enterprise Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

Hobart District Nursing Service
The Enterprise Agreement has been lodged in the Fair Work Commission for approval.

Melaleuca, Home for the Aged
The ANMF is waiting for the employers bargaining representative to provide the proposed Enterprise Agreement for review.

Medea Park
The proposed Enterprise Agreement has an outstanding issue of the remote call rate. The employers bargaining representative has conceded that they have been working off the wrong rate. The ANMF has requested that the correct remote call rate be confirmed.

The ANMF made a counter proposal to the employer’s wage offer of the greater of 2% or Fair Work Commission increase. We are awaiting a response to this.

The Meercroft Care Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2020 is ready to go to Ballot.  The employer proposes to commence the access period on 16 January 2021. The Ballot period is to commence on 27 January 2021.

Tandara Lodge Community Care Nursing
The existing Enterprise Agreement expires on 30 June 2021. The ANMF has written to the employer requesting the commencement of bargaining.

Wynyard Care Centre
The existing nursing and general staff Enterprise Agreement expires on 30 June 2021. The ANMF has written to the employer requesting the commencement of bargaining.

Aged Care Deloraine
The existing nursing and general staff Enterprise Agreement expires on 30 June 2021. The ANMF has written to the employer requesting the commencement of bargaining.

Updates correct as at 7 January 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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