Mental Health Updates – Statewide

Temporary change to Southern Organiser

Southern Organiser Jenna Bowling, will be going on maternity leave from Friday 29 January 2021. Organiser James King will be taking over the ANMF Mental Health portfolio while she is on leave. If you have any questions, please contact our Member Support Team. We wish Jenna all the best.

Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS)

Reform and Workload Grievance Update

The ANMF met with members on Friday 8 January 2021 for the purpose of discussing feedback provided and the opportunity we now have to provide a further response to the proposals. It is intended that this additional response will be sent to management on Friday 22 January 2021. Any member that was not able to attend the last member’s meeting on 8 January 2021 and would like to contribute can still do so. Please provide details of your questions, comments or concerns in writing by COB today to

The ANMF acknowledges that this has been a long and slow process but are pleased that parties have been consulting in good faith. ANMF are committed to achieving the very best outcomes for our members and we will not hesitate to escalate outstanding matters, should the situation change.

Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU)

Workload Form and Step 1 Workload Grievance

The ANMF met with members on Thursday 14 January 2021 to review workload forms that had been collected in the unit over the five-week period preceding this date. Members present endorsed moving the matter to a Step 1 Workload Grievance. Further details will be sent to members via an email this week. It was agreed that while the matter has been progressed to a formal grievance, data will continue to be collected. It is important that this data accurately reflects what is happening in the unit, as such please fill in a form on every relevant shift.

Previously only a printable version of the from was available. Upon request we now have an interactive Workload form available for members to use. Please see the new version here. However, members can continue to use a paper form if they prefer.

Updates correct as at 21 January 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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