Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Holman Clinic

The ANMF attended a working group with Tasmanian Health Service management to discuss the ongoing workload issues raised by the ANMF on behalf of members working at the Launceston General Hospital Holman Clinic on Wednesday 13 January 2021. This meeting was to discuss amongst other things, the proposal for clinical support due to the significant number of inexperienced nurses in such a highly specialised area. The ANMF note that a business case for permanent FTE identified following the recent benchmarking process is currently sitting with the relevant committee for discussion at the meeting scheduled for 25 January 2021. The ANMF will schedule a meeting with members in the coming week, please watch your email for more information.

Launceston General Hospital – Ward 4O/4B

The ANMF have been advocating for an improvement in the workloads of our members working at the Launceston General Hospital Ward 4O/4B for a considerable period of time, including requesting seven midwives be rostered on each night shift to ensure safe staffing. We are pleased to report that the Tasmanian Health Service has agreed to support this request, and a business case for increased FTE has been sent to the Chief Executive of North/North West. For all the details please click here.

Updates correct as at 21 January 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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