Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Cadorna House

The ANMF held a morning tea with members at Cadorna House. We look forward to working with members in the future.

Masonic Care Tasmania – Fred French and Peace Haven

The ANMF met with members at Peace Haven on Tuesday January 19 2021 to discuss workplace issues. Members stated that they feel unsupported by management at Peace Haven when raising ongoing workload concerns. A follow up meeting to distribute workload forms will be held with the ANMF. Meeting details to follow.

May Shaw – James Scott Wing and Aminya

The ANMF has received correspondence from members at May Shaw Health Centre (MSHC) (Aminya Residential Care and James Scott Wing) advising that workload continues to be an ongoing issue despite interventions put in place by MSHC. The ANMF will be holding a meeting to discuss possible solutions with members. Meeting flyer to follow.

Regis – Legana

The ANMF met with management on behalf of members at Regis Legana. Feedback from the meeting will be discussed at the member meeting held on Wednesday February 3, 2021.

BaptCare Karingal

ANMF Member Engagement Officer, Yasmin McMahon met with members on February 1, 2021. Members report being short staffed at times which results in flow on workload concerns. The ANMF will formally raise these concerns, with your employer, on behalf of members. Once a response has been received, members will be informed via an email. A further member meeting will also be scheduled at a date with the place and time to be advised.

Updates correct as at 4 February 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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