Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Respect – Wellington Views

The ANMF visited members at Respect Wellington Views on 11 February 2021. We listened to a number of member concerns about workload issues, staff meetings, lifting policy, clinical support, and other workplace matters. Following this we have secured a commitment from management to meet with the ANMF and our members shortly for members to expand on these concerns.

Masonic Care Tasmania – Fred French and Peace Haven

The ANMF met with members at Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) Peace Haven to discuss workplace issues on Tuesday 16 February 2021. Members stated that they feel unsupported by management at Peace Haven when raising ongoing workload concerns. A follow up meeting to distribute workload forms will be held with the ANMF soon. Please keep an eye out for more details via email.

May Shaw – James Scott Wing and Aminya

The ANMF has received correspondence from members at May Shaw Health Centre (MSHC) (Aminya Residential Care and James Scott Wing) where workloads continues to be an ongoing issue despite interventions put in place by MSHC.

Regis – Legana

The ANMF met with management on behalf of members at Regis Legana and discussed the outcome of this meeting with members on 3 February 2021. Members stated that they would like the ANMF to support them in meetings exploring workplace issues. The Facility Manager has agreed to this. The first of these meetings is set to take place on 17 March 2021. Please keep an eye out for meeting details via email.

Updates correct as at 18 February 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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