Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Emergency Department

On Friday 12 February 2021, the ANMF wrote to Tasmanian Health Service management requesting immediate confirmation regarding the status of approval for the business case for the extra 21.2 FTE. The ANMF have advised Tasmanian Health Service that if the business case is not approved the matter will be escalated to a Step 3 Grievance with an application to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. The ANMF has requested a response by 1700 hours on Monday 15 February 2021. The ANMF will meet with Emergency Department members today to provide an update.

Operating Suite

The ANMF has received a response from management in relation to the Step 1 Grievance. The matter will be progressing to Step 2.

Emergency Department

A member meeting is scheduled for 18 February. There continues to be concerns about the lack of physical space in the Emergency Department and it is likely that the proposed airlock will exacerbate the problem.

Ward 4O/B

On Tuesday 9 February 2021, the ANMF met with members on Ward 4O/B in follow up to the Step 2 Grievance meeting held prior to Christmas and the outcome of a business case being put for night shifts to increase from 6 to 7 midwives via a 6-month fixed term recruitment of 2.27 FTE. Members discussed with the ANMF the ongoing concerns with ward acuity, staffing shortfall, skill mix, overtime, double shift, and fatigue. The ANMF advised members that we would be seeking immediate confirmation of the business case approval for the increase in FTE. Following this, a priority will be to seek relevant data regarding workloads such as, overtime worked, double shifts, code blue numbers, short notice change of shift, and missed meal breaks over a 24 month period. A further update will be provided to members via email, with a follow up meeting due after this.

Ward 5B

On Thursday 4 February 2021, the ANMF along with Ward 5B Workplace Representatives, met with Tasmanian Health Service management to discuss the feedback provided by members on the proposed 2020 benchmarking FTE. The meeting was productive with the Tasmanian Health Service acknowledging the drivers of workload raised by members. The ANMF have requested that the Tasmanian Health Service provide a written response to the concerns raised. Upon receipt of this response, a meeting will be held with members to discuss the proposed mitigation measures.

Safe Staffing Committee

On Thursday 4 February 2021, the ANMF attended the Launceston General Hospital Safe Staffing Committee meeting. At this meeting, the ANMF requested timeframes for approval of business cases requesting increases in permanent FTE as identified by the 2020 Benchmarking process for Emergency Department, ICU, Renal N/Kings Meadows/NW, Ward 3R, AMU and JLGRU. The Tasmanian Health Service were unable to provide timeframes and subsequently the ANMF have written to management requesting confirmation of these. Further, the ANMF have sought confirmation as to whether the identified positions have been filled fixed term pending the permanent FTE business case approval process.

Updates correct as at 18 February 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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