Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Respect Wellington Views

The ANMF were disappointed that officials were denied the opportunity to attend a general staff meeting with management to address member concerns at Wellington Views. Correspondence is being prepared to formally raise members concerns with senior management on a number of pertinent matters, including workloads, clinical support, and members safety in the workplace.

New Norfolk District Hospital

The ANMF held a meeting at New Norfolk District Hospital (NNDH) on 29 March. The District Hospitals safe staffing model was discussed. The ANMF will get back to members with clarification of the model and process for implementation soon.

May Shaw – Swansea

The ANMF has written to May Shaw Swansea management requesting details regarding staffing levels and the breakdown of Tasmanian Health Service versus May Shaw resourcing for staffing. Ongoing changes to management has resulted in a slow response to this request. The ANMF will notify members as soon as a response has been received from May Shaw.

May Shaw – James Scott Wing and Aminya

Staff advise that they are experiencing continued stress due to unsustainable workloads. The ANMF received correspondence from May Shaw outlining their response to resolving the concerns raised by members. Based on the discussion at the recent meeting with members, the ANMF will write back to May Shaw proposing the establishment of a working group to progress some of the ongoing concerns. Members will be kept informed of outcomes of this request via email.

Masonic Care Tasmania – Peace Haven

The ANMF has received concerning reports about workplace issues at Peace Haven. These issues were discussed at a meeting with members on 31 March 2021. Outcomes from this meeting will be emailed to members shortly.

Regis Legana

During a meeting with members in February, attendees expressed a hope to resolve workload concerns at Regis Legana in a staff-wide forum. This meeting was scheduled to be held on 24 March, however, due to administrative errors the meeting was rescheduled to 23 March without notification being provided to the ANMF. The ANMF is rescheduling a meeting with all staff at Regis Legana, however, will meet separately with members to determine the preferred course of action. Meeting dates will be sent to members via email soon.

Updates correct as at 1 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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