Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

K7 Maternity Unit

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in K7 Maternity Services on 26 March, to review the Tasmanian Health Service response to the Step 1 Grievance letter. Feedback was rigorous and productive and resulted in the passing of a resolution to escalate the matter formally to a Step 2 Grievance. A letter to this effect will be sent to management, following this members will be updated via email.

Surgical Specialties/Orthopaedics – Ward K9E

The ANMF attended a re-benchmarking meeting for Surgical Specialties/Orthopaedics K9E on 29 March, in a bid to find efficiencies which might serve to mitigate the identified, ongoing workload and staffing concerns. Preliminary results from this process appear promising. The ANMF has requested a date and time to run a meeting with members to update them on the process. It is hoped that this will occur prior to the first Specialist Panel Step 2 Grievance Meeting currently scheduled for 22 April.

Ward 9A

Despite an agreement that an extra nurse would be allocated on afternoon shifts this position has not been provided. A meeting with members will be held shortly to discuss member concerns about staffing and other issues. Please keep an eye out for updates via email.

Ward K9W

Further discussion at the Tasmanian Industrial Commission has resulted in the Tasmanian Health Service being asked to seek an external review of the internal footprint of the ward area. The Tasmanian Health Service are also asked to advise the Tasmanian Industrial Commission if they support a benchmarking of the ward at 100%.

Mental Health Working Group

Concerns remain about the adequacy of the relief factor allocated by Mental Health Services. The relief factor appears to be manifestly inadequate. Further discussion on this point will occur and members will be advised on updates as we receive them.

Updates correct as at 1 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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