Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Ward 3R

On Thursday 22 April, the ANMF met with members on Ward 3R to discuss current workloads and staffing shortfalls. The ANMF was able to report back on progress for business case approval for increases in full time equivalent (FTE) against the ward 3R benchmarking. Despite this progress, members raised real concerns regarding current roster gaps, skill mix, double shifts, and overtime. As a result, members have endorsed the ANMF to raise a Step 1 Grievance on their behalf. The ANMF will now write to Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management regarding this. Further updates to follow.

Emergency Department

On Wednesday 21 April, the ANMF met with THS management to discuss a proposal to settle the workload dispute before the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. At this stage the THS have agreed to recruit to the 21.3 full time equivalent (FTE) in order to bring Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department staffing in line with the Royal Hobart Hospital FTE profile. The ANMF intend to ensure that any agreement reached will continue to be facilitated by the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. The ANMF will shortly schedule meetings with members to discuss further the proposal.

Ward 4K

On Wednesday 21 April, the ANMF met with members on ward 4K. The ANMF were able to provide a brief to members in regard to a submission that we will make to the Commission of Inquiry on their behalf. Please click here for further details.

 Safe Staffing

Following intervention by the ANMF, THS North have now confirmed that the 2020 Benchmarking for Renal Kings Meadows, Acute LGH and Northwest, 3R, JLGRU, and ICU have been approved to establish positions via the PTVE process and to subsequently advertise for permanency. This is a great outcome for members, please click here for further details.

Updates correct as at 29 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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