Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Calvary South

The EA has been lodged with Fair Work. The ANMF will notify members when the agreement has been signed off. Back pay will be paid after the agreement is signed off.

Calvary Northern Campuses

The ANMF will be taking a record of all workload concerns raised across both campuses of Calvary in the north to the upcoming workload consultative committee meeting. Outcomes of this meeting will be relayed to members.


The ANMF and Healthscope have continued to correspond during the negotiation process, with the ANMF working hard to get best outcomes for members in relation to workloads and staffing issues. The ANMF understand workloads are a big issue for members. Contact the ANMF if you would like a meeting on your unit/ward to discuss these issues.

Regular weekly walk rounds are being conducted by the ANMF to ward and unit tea rooms. Please look out for the Organisers who are happy to discuss any issues or questions you have.


The TasIVF Enterprise Agreement expires in October 2021. The ANMF will be holding a member meeting (date TBC) and sending a survey out to members to put together a Log of Claims. Members are encouraged to contact the ANMF with any conditions they would like improved/ changed through the negotiation process.

Updates correct as at 27 May 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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