Aged Care Updates – Statewide


The ANMF held a member meeting on 18 June 2021.  Members raised grave concerns relevant to the Enterprise Agreement bargaining process. For full details click here.

One Care-Non-Nursing

Following consultation with members across OneCare sites statewide we can advise that members have endorsed the ANMF Log of Claims for the coming Enterprise Agreement negotiations.

Menarock The Gardens

The ANMF following consultation with members at Menarock The Gardens have sent formal correspondence to management with a response to their Enterprise Agreement offer. When a response has been received the ANMF will conduct a report back meeting with members to take further direction from them.

Respect, Wellington Views

The ANMF will be visiting members today at Respect Wellington Views at 1430 hours. This meeting is a part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members today.

Barrington Lodge

The ANMF will be visiting members at Barrington Lodge at 1430hrs on Friday 25 June 2021. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members on Friday.

Freemasons MCT

The ANMF will be visiting members today at Masonic Care Freemasons at 1230hrs. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members today.

Huon Regional Care

The ANMF visited members at Huon Regional Care to consult with them regarding roster changes. The matter is progressing as well as members could expect. Please contact ANMF if you have any concerns with the process.


The ANMF recently attended member meetings at Glenview to discuss your Log of Claims (LOC), at this meeting members endorsed the LOC which is now being forwarded to Glenview management to commence negotiations on a new agreement.


The ANMF will be visiting members today at Strathaven at 10am. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members today.


The ANMF will be visiting members today at Strathglen at 1430hrs. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members today.

Queen Vic Homes

The ANMF will be visiting members today at Queen Vic Homes at 10am. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members today.

Queensborough Rise

The ANMF will be visiting members at Queensborough Rise at 1230hrs on Friday 25 June 2021. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team is looking forward to seeing members on Friday.

Guilford Young Grove

The ANMF will be visiting members at Guilford Young Grove at 1130hrs on Friday 25 June 2021. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team a looking forward to seeing members on Friday.

Mary Ogilvy

The ANMF will be visiting members at Mary Ogilvy at 1300hrs on Friday 25 June. This meeting is part of our Roadshow, we will be talking with members and updating notice boards along with explaining our competitions to members. The ANMF team a looking forward to seeing members on Friday.

Masonic Care Tasmania

The ANMF raised several workplace issues across both Peace Haven and Fred French campuses. The ANMF met with Facility Manager Scott Rigby to resolve the concerns mentioned in our letter. Members will be updated on the progress of this meeting at upcoming member meetings. Meeting flyers to follow.

May Shaw Scottsdale (Aminya)

The ANMF met with members on Monday 7 June to discuss several outstanding workplace issues and the letter of response from CEO Fiona Onslow Agnew. Feedback from this meeting will be provided to the CEO on behalf of members.


Updates correct as at 24 June 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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