Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

LGH Masterplan

The ANMF has commenced consultation with members regarding the proposed LGH Master Plan. Please click here for further details and a link to a member survey. Member meetings will be scheduled in those key areas for face-to-face consultation.


The ANMF met with members on Wednesday 16 June to discuss the impending temporarily closure of Northside. Members indicated the management mitigation strategies put in place have alleviated Northside member concerns. The ANMF has completed further consultation with ED and CATT members and subsequently there are several outstanding matters that will need to be rectified. Further updates to follow.

Emergency Department

On Thursday 17 June the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) met with LGH Emergency Department (ED) members to discuss the recruitment progress of the 21.3 FTE as well as the impending closure of Northside. Members reported several concerns with the temporary closure of Northside, following the meeting ANMF raised these concerns directly with THS management. The ANMF is in the process of considering the THS response and will provide a further update to members soon.

Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT)

The ANMF has been contacted by CATT members regarding the impending temporarily closure of Northside. The ANMF is in the process of communicating with MHS management regarding member concerns. Further updates to be provided soon.

Operating Room Suite

On Thursday 17 June 2021 the ANMF met with LGH ORS members to discuss the provisional recommendations (at the time of meeting with members the meeting minutes had not been provided to the ANMF) of the Step 2 Specialist as well as the proposed 2021 benchmarking. Members have not endorsed resolving the Step 2 grievance and are seeking several clarifications around the proposed recommendations. Of concern for members was transparency of the theatre schedule particularly when baseline FTE roster gaps are present. The ANMF will correspond further with THS on these matters and will schedule a member meeting to discuss a change proposal received to move the current ND Associate Nurse Unit Manager (ANUM) full time equivalent (FTE) to create a ANUM Instrument and Circulating position.

Ward 4O/B

The ANMF has been contacted by members working on ward 4O/B in regards to current workload concerns and proposed changes as a result of the LGH Winter Strategy. The ANMF has attempted to schedule a meeting with members, but THS have refused the dates requested instead offering the ANMF a meeting after 28 June 2021. The ANMF is considering options for holding this meeting sooner and further update will follow shortly.

Updates correct as at 24 June 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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