Private Sector Updates – Statewide

HealtheCare North West Private Hospital

On 16 July the ANMF received a response from management regarding the workload concerns raised on 23 June. The ANMF will schedule a meeting with members to discuss the response and seek further direction. Click here for the latest update.


The ANMF survey has closed. Thank you to all who took the time to fill it in. The ANMF will be meeting with Healthscope to plan the next step in the negotiations.

Remember to fill in the ANMF workload survey form if you have workload issues and/or email member support. If you would like to arrange a meeting on your unit (on or off site) with your Organiser contact Jane Pond at The ANMF encourages you to contact us with any workplace issues.


Following a member meeting on Friday 9 July and the completion of the ANMF survey, the log of claims was presented at a member meeting on Thursday 22 July  for endorsement. Members are encouraged to contact the ANMF if they would like to be involved in the Enterprise Agreement negotiations.

Family Planning Tasmania

The ANMF has sent a survey to members for their feedback of what to include in the Log of Claims for the Enterprise Agreement. The survey closes on Tuesday 27 July.

May Shaw Swansea

The ANMF met with Enrolled Nurses regarding the Change Impact Statement for Enrolled Nurses (ENs) on night duty. Members recognise the need for an EN on night shift and management are consulting staff on the change process. Clarification was required on the number of hours as it said 70 per fortnight in the Change Impact Statement when it should be 70 hours per week.

The ANMF contacted management and staff should be getting an email clarifying that it should be 70 hours per week. Members reported that they have been given opportunity to give feedback to management if they are prepared to do night shift and if so, what their roster might look like. The consultation process is continuing. Please contact the ANMF if you have any concerns.

Midlands Multi Purpose Health Centre

The ANMF held a member meeting on 21 July to discuss the Safe Staffing proposal. More information to be provided on the outcome of this meeting shortly.

Updates correct as at 22 July 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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