Public Sector Updates: North West

North West Regional Hospital

Medical – Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF on behalf of members continues to consult with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management seeking solutions to the Step 2 Grievance. For the solutions implemented or in process, click here to view the latest update.

Surgical – Step 1 Grievance

The ANMF on behalf of members on the Surgical Ward continue to consult with THS management seeking solutions to the Step 1 Grievance. The 2020/2021 benchmarking data is currently with the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) for review, following which the data will be available to ANMF. Once it is received a member meeting will be convened to enable member consultation. Click here to view the latest update.

Paediatric Unit

Meetings continue to address workload concerns and progress resolution for members from NWRH paediatric unit. The next member meeting is scheduled for 6 August. Members are encouraged to attend or provide feedback to their Workplace Representative. Keep an eye out for a SMS invite.

Emergency Department

The ANMF officials attended the Benchmarking meeting held on 22 July. A member meeting will be convened to seek feedback and/or endorsement of the benchmarking. Click here to view the latest update.

Updates correct as at 5 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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