Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Uniting Age Well

Uniting Age Well has issued a proposal to remove paid meal breaks from employees who are entitled to receive paid meal breaks under the current Enterprise Agreement (EA), and to pay these employees an allowance instead. This would be in breach of the EA. The ANMF has formally notified the employer of a dispute pursuant to clause 61.5 of the EA. The ANMF has discussed its concerns with management but has not yet received a response addressing these concerns. If the dispute is not resolved by 17 August 2021, the ANMF will refer the dispute to the Fair Work Commission for resolution.

Japara Sandhill

The ANMF has not yet received correspondence from Japara Sandhill regarding the concerns outlined to them. The ANMF will continue to chase Japara regarding a meeting.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) – Fred French

The ANMF has issued further correspondence to the Facility Manager at MCT concerning the increase in workload for members at Fred French. Members continue to report high workloads. The ANMF will have a member meeting once correspondence is received.

Medea Park

Resulting from both the ANMF survey and the recent member meeting, members raised concerns regarding payments. The ANMF has written to Medea Park seeking clarification of the payments of both handover and wage increase backpay.

May Shaw Scottsdale (Aminya)

The ANMF has received correspondence from May Shaw Scottsdale regarding ongoing workload concerns. The ANMF will meet with management to explore resolution to members’ concerns. May Shaw Scottsdale have confirmed that they will increase carer’s wages in line with their EA. The ANMF is yet to receive this confirmation in writing.

Regis Legana

The ANMF received correspondence from Regis Legana regarding workload concerns. Regis disagrees with any of the reports made by members regarding workload and staffing concerns. The ANMF will hold a meeting with members to discuss this correspondence.

OneCare Rubicon Grove

The ANMF, on behalf of Rubicon Grove members, raised with management short staffing and fatigue concerns in particular the number of shifts in a row. The ANMF has requested a process to identify staff at risk of fatigue be developed and implemented. Members are encouraged to consider their fatigue levels when they are asked to work extra shifts.

Tandara Lodge

The ANMF met with Tandara Lodge nurses on Tuesday 10 August to discuss the employers proposed rollover of the Nurses Enterprise Agreement. Click here to view the latest update.

Respect Coroneagh Park

The ANMF, following a meeting with members, raised multiple workplace concerns with management on 3 August 2021. The ANMF has been advised that since our letter Respect have committed to replacing the old lifting devices and replacing the current Dec phones. The ANMF is waiting on a formal response from our letter and once we have received this, we will conduct a report back meeting with members, look out for a meeting flyer in your inbox. Click here to view the latest update.

Updates correct as at 19 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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