Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Holman Clinic

The ANMF has written to THS North management requesting the introduction of a supernumerary Grade 5 Clinical Coordinator to provide floor support, Re-benchmarking, permanent pool staff allocated to the unit and consultation on 10-hour shifts. The THS responded on Thursday 12 August and has proposed extending the floor support model but improving the direction and governance of the role to ensure consistency in the application. The THS has not agreed to the role being supernumerary at Grade 5. 10-hour shifts will be considered via consultation with individuals interested in completing these. The THS has not agreed to reconsider a reapplication of procedural time in the model, sighting that averaging already occurs across procedural times which captures slow and fast times.  The ANMF will now consider if changes need to be proposed to the existing model via the Statewide Safe Staffing Committee and will consider holding the matter over with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission to ensure this outcome can be monitored appropriately.

Operating Room Suite (ORS)

The ANMF met with the THS to discuss their response to the 11 recommendations put at the Step 2 Specialist panel meeting along with following up on questions around the proposed ORS Benchmark tool/formula. The ANMF now believes that the 11 recommendations can be put to members for consideration and subsequent resolution of the step 2 Grievance. The ANMF will provide a detailed newsflash for members in relation to the agreed position and clarification points related to the benchmarking formula. This will be accompanied with a member survey to understand support for a resolution of this matter.

Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS)

The ANMF met with CHaPS members on 4 August 2021 as follow up on workload concerns raised at the previous member meeting held in early July. The ANMF has confirmed member concerns regarding current workload and the proposed model and will work with members to develop a workload survey to track current workloads and to subsequently supply data to support an improvement in the proposed model. Of concern is the lack of modelling to support the service to grow and data to support the proposed variables that feed into the model formula. The ANMF will provide feedback to management regarding these matters. Further updates to follow.

John L Grove Rehabilitation Unit (JLGRU)

On 13 August 2021 the ANMF met with JLGRU management to discuss workload concerns raised by members at the member meeting held the previous week. The meeting was constructive with THS management agreeing to consider several points raised by the ANMF and gave a commitment to providing a response within 2 weeks. In the interim the ANMF will circulate shortly a workload form that has been developed to assist members in tracking workload trends and to assist with data collection should a Step 1 grievance need to be lodged. A more detailed update to follow via an email.

Ward 3R

Due to public health orders the ANMF has not been able to meet with ward 3R members. The ANMF will schedule this meeting once orders are lifted or alternatively should the orders be ongoing a MS Teams meeting will be arranged.

Updates correct as at 19 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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