Public Sector Updates: South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Outpatient Oncology (Ward 8A)

As of Tuesday 24 August 2021, the ANMF has attended (in the company of members) two separate Step Two Grievance Specialist Panel meetings in an attempt to progress the Workload and Staffing Grievance within 8A Outpatient Oncology Services. In arriving at this point the ANMF has received pieces of information regarding Benchmarking (and models for staffing), Establishment, Vacancies, Sick Leave strategies etc. and the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) have offered as an interim solution to ‘flex-up’ by one nurse per shift until a comprehensive analysis and re-design of models of care, booking systems, staffing etc. can be completed. The ANMF conducted a member meeting on 27 August 2021 to relay these outcomes to members, who have for the moment opted to continue with the Grievance at the Step Two level, however they reserve the right to escalate matters to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) for resolution.

Statewide Mental Health Services (SMHS) – Correctional Primary Health Service (CPHS) Risdon Prison

The ANMF, having conducted a member meeting on site at Risdon Prison Health Service on 20 August 2021, has written to the Statewide Mental Health Service (SMHS) outlining concerns regarding the new inpatient facility development and its impact(s) upon staff recreational areas. Once received the SMHS response will be forwarded for members’ consideration via email.

Cardiology/Cardiothoracics (Ward 2D)

On Wednesday 25 August 2021, the ANMF attended a re-Benchmarking meeting for ward 2D (Cardiology/Cardiothoracics) in the company of THS management and select ward 2D clinical staff. This re-Benchmarking sought to incorporate the conversion of two existing beds to Critical Care Unit (CCU) beds primarily to facilitate safe and efficient decanting of patients from Intensive Care Unit. The ANMF has subsequently requested advice of an appropriate date/time from THS management to conduct a member meeting to relay the outcomes to members for ratification of the proposed staffing profile. Once the date is confirmed this meeting will be communicated via email.

Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

The ANMF conducted a member meeting in the Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) on Friday 20 August 2021 to receive feedback to the Step One Grievance response received from THS. The ensuing discussion was robust and productive, ultimately resulting in the passing of a resolution to escalate matters to a Step Two Grievance. The ANMF has drafted a letter to THS management requesting the urgent convening of a Specialist Panel meeting. Members will be advised of the date/time for this meeting once confirmed.

Acute Medical Unit (Ward 2A)

The ANMF conducted a member meeting at the RHH Acute Medical Unit (ward 2A) on Wednesday 25 August 2021 to take feedback on the current Change Proposal regarding this area and prospective changes to the start/finish times for shifts (designed primarily to facilitate greater capacity for a thorough and diligent handover processes). The ANMF anticipates writing a response to THS management based on this feedback, however any members, unable to attend the meeting, wishing to contribute to the response are encouraged to contact our Member Support Team so that their input can be included in the collated response.

Updates correct as at 2 September 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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