Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Japara Sandhill

The ANMF has written to Japara again, clarifying that members remain in dispute about aggressive behaviour of residents and widespread workload concerns. To date, however the ANMF has only received one (incomplete) workload report from members. The impact of this is that we currently have no data to support our dispute with Japara regarding workload concerns. The easiest and fastest way to complete these surveys is online. Click here to learn more.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) – Fred French

The ANMF has contacted MCT Fred French regarding the proposed addition to carer’s hours (to replace the removed hours in the upstairs area). The ANMF is yet to hear a response. Members will be notified with updates as this progresses.

May Shaw Scottsdale (Aminya)

The ANMF has written to May Shaw Health Centre Scottsdale regarding reports from members about ongoing workload concerns. We have requested that May Shaw immediately cease using student carers to fill deficits on the roster, and that they consider their responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for students.

Uniting AgeWell (UAW) Aldersgate Village

The ANMF attended Aldersgate village in the North of the state for an entire day for a meet and greet for all staff to become acquainted with the ANMF it was a very successful day touching base with an abundance of staff ANMF were able to have positive conversations and discuss the role of the ANMF and its advantages to become a member.

Uniting AgeWell (UAW) Strathaven

The ANMF attended a meeting with a members and management regarding a lack of staff on a particular shift. Management took on board what was addressed at this meeting and as a trial period the implementation of an extra hour being added to the shift.  This was relayed back to members at a staff meeting with the feedback from staff being very positive. The ANMF is very interested in the impact that this extra hour has made to the residents. In addition, the ANMF are also awaiting on response to a prior letter that was sent to UAW Strathaven pointing out some other concerns.

Other RACF sites inc Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBAs)

One Care-Non-Nursing

The recent negotiations and offer were approved by members in the South. Keep an eye out for further updates via email.

Christian Homes

The ANMF is still awaiting a response to members acceptance of the EBA offer.

Respect, Wellington Views

The ANMF is awaiting some contact from Respect prior to progressing members concerns at Wellington Views.

Barrington Lodge

The ANMF is still waiting for a date to start EBA negotiations.

Freemasons MCT

EBA meetings progressing through drafting a new agreement towards an EBA offer, hopefully at the next meeting. As soon as this happens the ANMF will visit members for discussion. The ANMF visited members to discuss the Regis EBA offer. Members were accepting of the financial offer but want some further clarification about the proposal to reduce the Salary Packaging Allowance, and Night Duty and PH allowances to remain unchanged. Look out for an update and the next bargaining date.

UAW Ningana, Sorell

The ANMF met with management and Extended Care Assistant (ECA) members on 14 October 2021. Members were pleased to report some improvements to working arrangements following our previous meeting.

Other Private and Tasmania Health Service (THS) sites

Eastern Shore Community Nursing

The ANMF has sent further correspondence highlighting agreed actions to be taken following our Step 1 Grievance meeting. The ANMF has received a response from the THS and a member meeting was conducted on Wednesday 27 October. The next Grievance meeting is on 2 November 2021.

Bruny Island Community Health Centre (BICHC)

The ANMF met with members at BICHC on 26 October 2021. The Tasmanian Health Service (THS) has confirmed the Paramedic will be a permanent fixture on Bruny Island. Members have received a memo from the THS informing them that a consultation letter and plan are being prepared. The ANMF will prepare correspondence based on member concerns from the meeting.

New Norfolk District Hospital (NNDH)

The ANMF sent a letter to the THS on 22 October 2021 regarding our concerns about the lack of a Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) at NNDH. The THS has replied by stating their intention to implement a Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) position at NNDH. An email will be sent out to inform all members.

Updates correct as at 28 October 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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