Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care (SCC)

Southern Cross Care has announced plans to significantly cut catering and servery hours at Southern sites. This will have a significant impact on Carers who will now be expected to provide residents with morning and afternoon teas. The ANMF encourages members affected to advise Member Support of any significant changes to their working conditions/workloads.

Enterprise Agreement (EA)

The latest EA meeting took place on 28 October 2021 and an email was sent to members, detailing a new wage offer of 2%,1.7%,1.5% over 3 years, with intent still to remove paid meal breaks. Since the meeting, SCC have lost another Executive. People and Culture Manager, who was their main EA representative, she was only with SCC for a number of weeks. This may result in further delays to the EA process – despite the fact that an Employer Representative has been appointed to participate in the negotiation process.

Guilford Young Grove

Following the loss of the Facility Manager (FM), SCC has appointed their Pharmacy advisor as clinical contact. The ANMF has expressed concern to SCC, on behalf of members, with problems associated with this change. The new FM will start in the new role on return from holiday.


SCC has appointed a new Facility Manager at Rivulet. Apparently, SCC has taken away staff parking facilities. The ANMF encourages members to seek clarity from SCC at staff meetings.

Fairway Rise

The ANMF held a member meeting on 1 November 2021 at 1000hrs. Members anticipate significant impact from the proposed catering/servery changes at the facility.

Regis Legana

The ANMF met with members at Regis Legana on 8 November 2021 to discuss workload concerns, staffing security, the Regis Enterprise Agreement (EA) offer and general business. The ANMF will meet with Regis Legana representatives on 7 December 2021 in an attempt to resolve ongoing workplace concerns.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) – Fred French

The ANMF has again contacted MCT Fred French regarding the proposed addition to carer’s hours (to replace the removed hours in the upstairs area). The ANMF is yet to hear a response. Members will be notified with updates as it progresses.

Uniting AgeWell Lillian Martin

The ANMF held a meeting with the Facility Manager and People and Culture Manager of Uniting Age Well Lillian Martin to discuss issues that had been brought to our attention via members at a morning tea and a member meeting held 2 weeks ago.  The meeting with management was very constructive and there is an agreement to have a staff meeting for Nurses and Care staff with the ANMF in attendance to discuss the concerns of members. The ANMF will be conducting a member meeting on Friday 12 November 2021, this meeting will be prior to the staff meeting. The date of the ANMF/management/staff meeting is to be advised by way of ANMF or Facility Management.

Other RACF sites including Enterprise Agreements

Respect, Wellington Views

The ANMF noted a change in Manager at Wellington Views and look forward to meeting with members soon.

Freemasons Masonic Care Tasmania

An EA meeting on 12 November 2021 is likely to see a wage offer on the table. The ANMF will visit during the week starting 15 November 2021 to discuss the offer and other workplace matters. Look out for a flyer and text about the meeting.


Regis pays were delayed during Melbourne Cup week. The ANMF followed up and expressed our concern to Regis Finance regarding this and requested a review of arrangements for Public Holiday pays. Apparently the pay day was changed back in May in order to prevent this from happening.

Updates correct as at 11 November 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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