Latest news and updates from across the state

EA Updates

Melaleuca General Staff Enterprise Agreement
The proposed Enterprise Agreement has been lodged at the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The FWC has identified a number of issues that will require the employer to provide undertakings where the proposed agreement does not meet the better-off over-all test. The employer has until Wednesday 12 January 2022 to provide undertakings.

Melaleuca Nurses Enterprise Agreement
The proposed Enterprise Agreement failed at ballot. A new meeting date to re-commence bargaining is proposed for late January 2022.

Family Planning Enterprise Agreement
The proposed Enterprise Agreement is currently out to ballot.

Baptcare Karingal Enterprise Agreement
The employer has not agreed to commence bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement.  The ANMF has requested the employer pass an administrative increase on to employees from Saturday 1 January 2022.  To date no response has been received to this request. Click here to read the latest update.

Medea Park Nurses Enterprise Agreement
The access period for voting commenced on Friday 17 December 2021.  The proposed Enterprise Agreement is to go to ballot in the New Year.

Medea Park General Staff Enterprise Agreement
The ANMF is waiting for the employer to provide the proposed Enterprise Agreement incorporating the agreed changes during bargaining.

Launceston Church Grammar School General Staff Enterprise Agreement
The proposed Enterprise Agreement has been approved at ballot. The approved agreement is to be lodged by the employer at the Fair Work Commission shortly.

Eskleigh Nursing Enterprise Agreement
The ANMF attended a bargaining meeting last week and presented the Log of Claims.  A meeting is scheduled for late January 2022 for the employer to respond.

Aged Care Deloraine Enterprise Agreement
The ANMF will be contacting the employer in January 2022 to commence bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement.

North West Private Hospital Enterprise Agreement
The first bargaining meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 19 January 2022. The ANMF is currently preparing the Log of Claims based on feedback received in the member survey.

Wynyard Care Centre Enterprise Agreement
The ANMF has been writing to the employer to request commencement of bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement. To date no response has been received.

Emmerton Park Enterprise Agreement
The ANMF will be contacting the employer in January 2022 to commence bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement.

Updates correct as at 23 December 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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