ANMF COVID-19 Newsflash: Public Sector Update


PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Allowance
Following ANMF advocacy and lobbying the Premier for a COVID-19 allowance on Sunday 9 January 2022 which called upon the Premier to intervene and authorise an urgent COVID-19 allowance, the ANMF can advise members that this has not been supported by the Premier at this time. The Premier has indicated that he has asked the Department and the State Service Management Office to commence negotiation with all unions on a COVID-19 allowance, however, would only consider implementation if COVID-19 Escalation went to level A.
The ANMF has responded to the Premier advising of the dismay, anger and frustration that this decision has caused and will only further the risk of losing more critical nurses and midwives who are already burnt out from the Tasmanian Health System.

Fatigue and Hydration Breaks
On Friday 14 January 2022, a direction was issued from the Secretary, Department of Health, to all Health managers to communicate with staff on the symptoms of dehydration and to develop a plan in order to ensure adequate rest and hydration is enabled for all members. This direction in line with Work Health and Safety Legislation also provides for additional break time to doff and don PPE as well as additional breaks to allow for hydration. These breaks may need to be taken individually due to clinical demands, but if any members are unable to take these breaks, your manager should be notified, and you should complete a Safety Reporting and Learning System (SRLS) report.

Click here to read the full update.

Updates correct as at 21 January 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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