Newsflash: Mersey Community Hospital ED Further Reduced Opening Hours

  • 94 members completed this survey.
  • 45% felt their workplace had prepared sufficiently for the current situation, 55% did not.
  • 82% indicated they were aware of their employers COVID-19 management plan.
  • 60% indicated that they did not have appropriate donning or doffing stations at their workplace.
  • Majority of members had not been fit tested for a mask or had been fit tested but not provided with a suitable mask.

72% of members from this survey indicated they were not aware of any paid pandemic leave provided by the employer and 52% were not aware of the Commonwealth Pandemic Leave available to all workers. Information regarding this payment was issued to all members on 14 January 2022. For clarity answers to the following FAQs from the survey responses may assist members

Please click here to read the full response.

Updates correct as at 1 February 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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