Public Sector Updates – South

Statewide Mental Health Services (SMHS)

Reform Project

Consultation regarding the Continuing Care Stream within the Reform Project is ongoing, with a further planning session scheduled for this Thursday 17 March 2022. Members were emailed with the responses from Chris Fox in reply to questions raised by members and the ANMF during and since the last planning session, which took place on Friday 25 February 2022. That response also included answers to some outstanding Reform Project questions that have been raised since 2020.

It is anticipated that Chris Fox will answer all other questions submitted by all parties, since the meeting on Friday 25 February on Thursday 17 March 2022. It has been agreed that this will be followed by a written summary of the responses. Once the written summary has been received, the ANMF will organise a further member meeting to discuss any outstanding matters and the next steps.

SMHS Adult Community Mental Health Services (ACMHS)

A response from management regarding the ACMHS Step 2 was due on Wednesday 16 March 2022. Within the response the ANMF has requested dates/time and a draft Terms of Reference for an initial Step 2 Specialist Panel meeting. The ANMF will advise members of the proposed details once they become available.

The ANMF has invited any member(s) who wish to come forward to attend the Specialist Panel with an ANMF representative, to speak to the matters raised and assist in answering any questions senior management of Mental Health Services may have. Please contact your organisers or Member Support at your earliest convenience if you wish to attend this meeting so that the necessary arrangements can be made.

Updates correct as at 16 March 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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