Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU)

The ANMF has received a formal response (dated Friday 29 April 2022) from Tasmanian Health Service (THS) senior management regarding the Step One Workload Grievance raised on behalf of members working in Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU). This, along with all ancillary documentation and data was sent to members for their consideration via Newsflash on Wednesday 4 May 2022. The ANMF will seek to arrange a follow-up member meeting as soon as practicable in order to take feedback and seek resolution as to a further directive for this Grievance.

Repatriation Centre – Peacock 1

The ANMF has received a formal response (dated Monday 2 May 2022) from THS senior management regarding workload and staffing concerns raised on behalf of members working in the Repatriation Centre’s Peacock 1 Unit. This was sent to members for their consideration via Newsflash on Wednesday 4 May 2022. The ANMF will seek to arrange a follow-up member meeting as soon as practicable in order to take feedback and seek resolution as to a further directive for this process.

Clinical Trials

The ANMF, having received a formal THS response (dated Thursday 14 April 2022) to workload and staffing concerns raised on behalf of members, conducted a subsequent member meeting on Wednesday 4 May 2022 to take member feedback. This feedback also canvassed the current Change Proposal regarding a prospective change in governance structures for Clinical Trials within the Oncology Services framework. The ANMF has subsequently requested an extension for feedback from THS which has been granted until Friday 13 May 2022 – a formal Change Proposal response will be duly formulated and a meeting with local THS management was scheduled for Thursday 12 May 2022 to further discuss the current workload issues.

Updates correct as at 11 May 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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