Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT)

Underpayments Issue

Apparently SCCT is close to finalising this issue. Look out for internal memo and communication. The ANMF is pressing SCCT to structure any payments in a way that will minimise members taxation burden.

ANMF complaints are being heard and actioned. WorkSafe Tasmania is still working through our correspondence regarding SCCT management failure to help staff activate their COVID-19 response.

The ANMF still encourages members to feedback issues related to absence or instability of leadership in SCCT sites, especially in COVID-19 management. Members are encouraged to look after themselves and their colleagues in these unreasonable situations. Use internal SCCT reporting systems, and escalate to next level management if you can, to highlight the impact on your workload and morale. Notify the ANMF if you are unable to get a response from your internal systems, and managers. Also, notify us if you are ordered to attend a one-to-one meeting so we can follow up and ensure procedural fairness and support.

Enterprise Agreement (EA)

The ANMF Industrial Team is currently looking over the final Draft EA document prior to SCCT putting the EA to a vote in coming weeks. Look out for a newsflash with detail of changes.

Changes to Servery and Catering

The ANMF has been made aware these changes are still affecting members, staff, and residents. We encourage members to continue to let SCCT know how these changes are affecting your role.

Rosary Gardens

The ANMF met with members regarding clinical support issues at Rosary Gardens. An email has been sent to senior management at SCCT requesting action. Look out for updates and subsequent meetings.

Other Residential Aged Care Facility sites including Enterprise Agreements (EAs)

Huon Regional Care

Agreements have been sent to Fair Work Commission for approval. Look out for newsflash regarding final approval.

QV Care

Voting on EAs are taking place this week. The ANMF will scrutinise results next week.


The ANMF is still awaiting an updated offer for members to consider from Regis.


The ANMF and Glenview met for more pre-bargaining discussions on Thursday 16 June 2022. We hope for negotiations to start soon. Further updates to follow.

Korongee Village (KV), (Glenview)

The ANMF will visit soon for further discussions about staffing, roster, and safety issues.

Queen Victoria Care

Both the Nurses and General Staff Agreements are out for consideration of members. The access period needs to be seven days under the Fair Work Act and an error saw the wrong date sent out by the employer, the access period now ends on Friday 24 June 2022 and the Ballot will open – the Ballot closes on Wednesday 6 July 2022. This is a paper Ballot so please submit your vote. The ANMF will send a person to scrutineer the counting of the Ballot papers.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) Fred French

On Monday 20 June 2022, the ANMF held a member meeting at Fred French to discuss current workload across the facility in various wings. The ANMF understands that care hours need to be increased due to the current resident acuity. We will now write to MCT management and request an increase in these hours. Further updates to follow.


ANMF members at Meercroft have raised a number of workload concerns.  In order to ascertain the extent of the workload concerns members completed a workload survey over the past two weeks. A member meeting will be scheduled to review the results and seek members’ further direction. Keep an eye out for the communication in your inbox.


The ANMF will meet with Melaleuca nursing members to endorse the Log of Claims (LoC) in preparation for the first scheduled bargaining meeting to negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement (EA).

Updates correct as at 21 June 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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