Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 4O/4B

ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management for the Step 2 Specialist panel meeting on Wednesday 15 June 2022. A member meeting will be scheduled shortly to provide further feedback. Click here to view the latest update.

Ward 5D

The ANMF met with Ward 5D members on Thursday 9 June 2022 to discuss the current public sector industrial campaign. Members also detailed concerns regarding local Ward 5D workload matters. As a result, the ANMF on behalf of members, have raised a Step 1 Grievance. Click here to view the latest update.

Ward 5B

The ANMF met with Ward 5B members on Wednesday 8 June 2022 to discuss the current public sector industrial campaign. Members have committed to handing out postcards and wearing of badges as a part of the industrial action.

Short Stay Surgical Unit (SSSU)

The ANMF met with SSSU members on Tuesday 14 June 2022 to discuss the current public sector industrial campaign. Members have committed to the campaign by wearing badges and working to rule.

Emergency Department (ED)

The ANMF met with THS management on Monday 20 June 2022 to discuss the ongoing solutions and progress of the solutions coming out of the 2021 early 2022 Tasmanian Industrial Commission hearings. The ANMF will provide a full update on the details of this meeting via a newsflash and via an ED member meeting in the near future.

Updates correct as at 21 June 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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